Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Silver Key

It was a stormy night. A traveller reached an inn. As the hour was very late, he found the door locked from within. He knocked at the door.
The gate-keeper responded to the knock, saying, "I have lost the key and the door cannot be opened unless you have a silver key with you."
The traveller understood what he meant by the silver key. He im­mediately slipped a silver coin through the hole, and the door opened.
As soon as he got in, he said to the gate keeper, "I have left my box outside, please bring it." As the gate-keeper went out to bring the box, the traveller closed the door behind him.
The keeper asked him to open the door so that he may come in. Now the traveller replied from within, "I have lost the key and a silver key is needed to open the door." Soon the coin was pushed again through the hole and the dishonest man was let in.

Two Friends and the Bear

Once there were two fast friends in a village. Their names were Raju and Ramu. One day both of them set out on a journey.
They-promised to help each other in trouble. Their way lay through a forest. As they were passing through a forest, they saw a big bear. The bear was coming towards them. They were much frightened to see such a deadly sight.
Ramu at once climbed up a nearby tree to save his life. He was unaware of his friend's safety. Raju did not know how to climb up a tree.
But he was wise and intelligent. He had heard that bears do not touch the dead. So he lay on the ground, held his breath and appeared to be dead. The bear came near him and sniffed the whole body of Raju. Thinking him dead, he went away.
When the bear had gone quite far Raju got on his feet. Ramu also came down the tree. He asked Raju to tell him what the bear had whis­pered in his ear. Raju said that the bear had advised him to beware of false friends like him.

The Dog and the Donkey

Once there lived a washerman in the town. He had two pets- a dog and a donkey. The dog used to keep watch. The donkey used to carry the washerman's clothes or load.
One night a thief broke into the house. The washerman was sleeping soundly. The dog too was fast asleep. So, he did not bark at the thief.
The donkey saw the thief and wanted to awaken his master h6 began to bray loudly. The thief took to his heels (ran away).
The washerman could not sleep. He came out. Washerman could not understand why the donkey brayed so loudly.
Therefore he beat the stupid but dutiful donkey very badly. But the washerman's house was saved It was the duty of the dog to keep watch and not of the donkey.

Bad Company

A rich man had only one son. The son fell into the bad company. He developed many bad habits.
The man was much worried about the habits of his son. He tried his best to mend his habits but he could not succeed. One day he thought of a plan to teach his son a lesson.
He went to market and purchased some fresh apples and a rotten one. He came back to his home and called his son. He asked his son to put all the apples along with the rotten one in the almirah.
The son did the same. After some days father asked his son to bring the apples. As he opened the door of almirah he was surprised to note that all the apples had become rotten. He felt sad.
At this his father told him to see how one rotten apple had spoiled all the rest. In the same way one bad companion could spoil all others. The father's advice had the desired effect. The boy gave up bad com­pany and became good again.

"Health is Wealth"

Once upon a time, there was a king, who was very lazy. He did not like to do anything. He waited for his attendants to serve him every moment. He used to lie on his bed always. A time came when he really became inactive.
Only eating good food and it's sleeping made him fatty. So fat he became that he could not move around by himself. He felt sick, doctors were called in to treat him. Nothing could help him to become fit and fine. The king was a kind hearted and cordial person. All his subjects were sorry to learn about the fact that their king was not well.
One day the minister met a holy man (Sadhu) on the outskirts of the city. While conversing with each other, the “Sadhu”  came to know the fact that the king was unwell. He told the minister that he could cure the king. Hearing this the minister’s face brightened. He arranged immediately for a meeting of the “Sadhu” and the king.
The “Sadhu” saw the depressed king for a while and then spoke nothing serious had happened and that the king would be alright. From the next day the treatment would start. He asked the king to come to his hut which was at a distance from the palace.
The king had to come on foot to the hut. The king agreed, after so many years the king came outside to walk on the road. His ministers and attendants accompanied him. By the time he reached the Sadhu’s hut, he was breathless, sweating and uncomfortable.
The “Sadhu” came out of the hot noticing everything. He offered cool water to the king. The king felt better. The Sadhu brought out an iron ball, the size of a football and gave it to the attendants asking his majesty that daily morning and evening he had to roll that ball  in the palace grounds.
The king okayed to the “Sadhu” and left. After fifteen days when the “Sadhu” came to the palace to meet the king, he had lost a considerable amount of weight, was feeling much better and was active. All his sickness had disappeared. Inspite a lot of wealth, the king was not happy as he was unhealthy.
So the moral is “Health is Wealth”.